Sensile Technologies in the MEGALINK

Downloads Megalink_5-10_007.pdf Megalink_5-10_077.pdf

Sensile Technologies in the MIGROS MAGAZINE

Downloads MigrosMagazine20100517.pdf

2010 - Launch of NETRIS® telemetry unit

NETRIS® the world premiere to integrate the world’s smallest GSM modem (Telit…


NETRIS® features a battery life of up to 10 years, an innovative and registered…

Sensile Technologies in the AGEFI

Downloads agefi_2010-03-03_mer_07.pdf

Sensile Technologies in Le Temps

Downloads ArticleLeTemps20091215.pdf

We have moved

We are now located a few kilometres west of Lausanne in a town called Morges.…

2009 - 10-jähriges Firmenjubiläum

Launch of mains-powered GPRS solution (H200-GPRS) for petrol stations. Signed…

1000th installed unit by Technology Trading

Technology Trading, our distributor for the Netherlands has recently installed…