Dear partners,
We are already nearing the end of a very bizarre, strange and unprecedented year. A year that has not been easy. Like many of you, no doubt, we quickly had to find ways of adapting to the new health and hygiene situation. These temporary challenges left us with little time to communicate through our Newsletter.
But even though we did not have time to communicate in this way with you as much as we’d have liked, we nevertheless remained in regular contact with our customers and partners. Time spent travelling to and from meetings was instead efficiently replaced with telephone or video conference calls. This being said, we know no technology will ever feel quite the same as a proper discussion around the table or together in one place, and we are very much looking forward to having these conversations in person with you again in, we hope, the very near future.
But before we see each other again in the New Year, we would like to wish you and your friends and family the very best of health in the coming holiday season. We also hope that 2021 brings you happier prospects and sees a return to some sort of normality. Whatever the case, we hope it allows you to thrive.
We’d also like to take the opportunity to give you an update on our company.
2020 has been an excellent year in terms of revenue for Sensile Technologies. We ended the year with a growth in turnover of nearly 20%.
We had to manage the growing demand as efficiently as possible while our production centres were at a standstill. Fortunately, producing our units in Switzerland put us at a significant advantage, as we quickly had stock for our customers once production was able to restart.
2020 has seen its fair share of new products: NETRIS®2, our flagship GSM solution, has been successfully rolled out with a CAT-M modem to ensure its long-term sustainability. This new GSM standard (based on 4G antennas) for the Internet of Things (IoT) has been found to be extremely efficient and has helped solve issues of poor coverage experienced by much of the equipment in the past. A version that acquires the unit’s GPS coordinates is also available.
Our market analysis shows that digitisation is currently well under way in our markets and there is a strong demand for those of our solutions that provide the data needed to optimise our customers’ processes.
Thanks to the arrival of several new employees in 2020, Sensile Technologies can now boast a perfect gender balance in the workplace. In order of arrival, we have Françoise as Office Manager, Murielle in Support and Valérie in R&D. Our R&D team will grow further in 2021, to allow us to boost our developments even more.
2021 also looks promising on the sales side with excellent development potential, both geographically and in terms of new applications.
We would like to thank you most sincerely for your continued faith in us, and look forward to working with you in 2021. Look after yourselves and your loved ones.